Saturday, August 27, 2011

Ana-nd Hazare?:)

"Ana Hazare...that's so cool that you have a woman fighting for corruption...She's like Sarah Palin...only Indian."

I sat in the lobby of NBC, staring in awe at the inspired insight of a blonde young lady named Brittany.

Forget the fact that Ana is a 74 year old Indian man, that he is the leader of the ANTI-corruption movement in India, but Sarah Palin? Really?!

We do have a woman running the country, but she is more Hilary than Palin. You may have heard of her? She shares the last name with some dude named Mahatma Gandhi (hint: her last name is Gandhi).

And like Ana, I share a deep respect and love for that "dude" and his message. When I was my 12, my parents dad asked me "when you are older, you can be anything you want - lawyer or doctor?" I responded "Gandhi."

"Lawyer! Perfect" responded by parents.

But, that didn't stop me. I loved Gandhi so much, I also fasted...for about eight hours. OK, that's called "sleep"....but I would have done it for longer if I didn't have to wake up for school!

And I would have shaved my head, given up my designer Western clothes and totally worn an over-sized adult-diaper...but I also wanted to be cool, have friends and not be the poster-child for "the wedgie."

But, the truth is, standing up against corruption is not about looking like Gandhi and wearing "The Gandhi cap" (available for $10.00 at or $20.00 in the black market), it's about having the courage to stand up for Truth, to be united and to demand higher standards for ourselves and our country.

Ana Hazare is here to remind us of what we already know, to remind us of a message we have already heard...

And it's on us to take actions, to live the message and not stare at the same situation 50 years from now and remember some "dude" named Ana...

When is NOW the right time to take action? :)

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