Hi guys! Now that the website is up (check it out - www.lolworld.net), I am going to be using this blog to share my experiences on the road.
In our workshops, I meet a lot of stressed people, but no one was more stressed than a 5-year old boy in Hong Kong that I recently coached. It was 9am and he was on his third Frappuccino. His schedule was intense- Mandarin class to Tennis class to Kumon to Soccer practice to Piano lesson to doing his homework to grabbing a quick bite, to kissing his secretary/mom goodnight, to finally, passing out...only to repeat the same schedule the next day! Next to him, I felt like the biggest loser!
With that schedule, it’s no wonder so many kids are stressed. Most of them are tired and get so little time to play and just be a kid. We want our children to excel academically, but at what cost?
What kids need, what we all need, what we all deserve is time to just be, time to laugh and share that gift with others!
What was great about the 5-year old kid was that after a few minutes of working with him, the little boy became a little boy again. He was jumping around, making monkey noises, growling like a tiger, laughing hysterically! He wasn't worried about where he needed to be next. He was in the moment. And what's more - he was enjoying it!
And from what I heard recently, not only is he happier, but he is even doing better in school.
Let's let kids be kids. Not only will they be happier, but their joy and spontaneity with spread to us! Or as Whitney Houston puts it in her heart-warming hit single, "The Greatest Love of All", "let the children's laughter remind of us how we used to be."
If you want to relieve stress, check out this video for some tools or just model kids!
Enjoy...and we'll connect in the next day or so!
Love and Laughter,
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